Pregnancy Porn: The Ultimate Tutorial for Pregnant Couples?

The subject of sex during pregnancy has always been slightly taboo. A curious phenomenon to say the least, given how many billions of women fall pregnant each year and continue to enjoy happy, healthy and fulfilling sex lives.  Even so, actually bringing up the subject is something many find difficult to do.  This includes the important (and in some instances slightly awkward) questions millions of women would like answered, but prefer not to bring up.

To address a few of these unspoken yet common concerns, here’s a brief rundown of several FAQs regarding sex while pregnant, with concise answers for each:

1. Can penetration hurt a pregnancy?

The short answer is no, though this is a widespread concern. Some studies have suggested that as many as 8 out of 10 men are put off the idea of sex during pregnancy because they believe they may hurt the baby. In reality, the baby is so fantastically protected in the uterus that penetration (in the conventional sense) cannot and will not adversely affect the pregnancy.

2. Which positions work best when pregnant?

Each to their own, but it goes without saying that some bedroom gymnastics will be easier or more difficult to pull off than others. This is where pregnancy porn can be surprisingly insightful, providing a whole bunch of insights into what works, what doesn’t and what’s realistically possible. It can also be a surprisingly effective turn on, if for any reason you’re not feeling particularly sexy at the time.

3. Am I likely to feel any pain?

Sex should not be painful during pregnancy, and anything particularly uncomfortable or unusual should be reported to your doctor at the earliest possible stage. However, it is perfectly natural for various parts of the body to become much more sensitive during pregnancy – the breasts and nipples included. You may therefore need to let your partner know that they need to be even more gentle than usual, rather than letting them go hell for leather and making the experience uncomfortable.

4. Are any sexual positions better or worse for the baby?

Again, the answer is no. Just as long as you are not going to extremes with the kinds of weird and wonderful positions that are hazardous at the best of times, no conventional sexual position is going to harm your baby. It’s therefore better to focus on what works for you personally, meaning what you enjoy most and positions you are most comfortable with.

5. Is bleeding after pregnancy sex normal?

It can be, but it is also something that should be reported to your doctor if it persists or is extensive. Either way, if you experienced bleeding during or after sex while pregnant, it is best to get yourself checked out, just in case.

6. Can sex during pregnancy induce labour?

Last but not least, there is a degree of truth to this as some of the hormones released during sex are known to induce (or accelerate) labour. However, this is only something that will occur if you are basically ready to burst and the baby would be on his/her way out anyway. Roughly translated, sex while pregnant does not in any way heighten the risk of premature birth – never has and never will.