Tips for Boosting your Sexual Stamina

Enhancing sexual stamina is one of the things many men think about. The average time taken by males is between two to five minutes, whereas it’s quite long for females. There’s increased pressure nowadays for men to last longer to please their partners (whether long time partners or those they’ve hooked up with from dating sites for one night stands). Luckily, there are methods you can adopt to enhance your libido.

<h2>How to Boost Sex Drive – Be Active</h2>

Regular exercises are to your overall health. Your heart rate may go up while engaging in sex; however, frequent exercising will boost your sexual drive by keeping your heart in good condition. Try to do some exercising each day. It will assist in improving your sex drive.

<h2>Eating Fruits and Veggies</h2>

This is another ideal method to boost sex drive. There are certain fruits and vegetables that can increase blood flow. For instance, regular eating of garlic can improve blood circulation. Moreover, eating bananas can boost sex drive. They are rich in potassium and can assist in lowering blood pressure, thus becoming beneficial to your sexual organs.

<h2>How to Boost Sex Stamina – Consume the Following Foods and Meat</h2>

Consume foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. They enhance the blood flow. Foods that contain this include mackerel, chia seeds, avocados, and soybeans. In addition, consume foods such as nuts, pork, and whole grains that are rich in vitamin B-1 (this confirms which vitamins boost sex drive).

<h2>Avoid Stress</h2>

Stress is bad for your health; your sex dive included. Stress leads to a surge in heart rate plus blood pressure. All these are harmful to your sexual drive. Whenever you are stressed psychologically, it becomes difficult to get an erection.

Whenever you exercise, you reduce your chances of being stressed and, therefore, improve your health. Communicating with your partner regarding your stress can relax you. Furthermore, stress can make you develop bad habits like alcohol intake or smoking – which can be harmful to your sexual performance.

<h2>How to Boost Sex Drive for Man – Avoid Bad Habits</h2>

As mentioned above, habits like excessive consumption of alcohol plus smoking can negatively impact your performance. Whereas some research has revealed that a little red wine enhances circulation, taking a lot of alcohol can affect you negatively. Stimulants make blood vessels narrow and have likewise been associated with impotence. For you to boost sex drive, try to reduce smoking or quit it altogether. Replace these habits with beneficial ones like regular exercising.

<h2>Concentrate on Your Partner</h2>

Sexual intercourse is a two-way thing. Sex becomes enjoyable to your partner when you focus on their desires. Communicating with your partner regarding this in advance will help you deal with any uneasiness if you wish to slow things down. It eventually makes the experience more pleasant for the two of you.

<h2>Testosterone and Libido</h2>

Will testosterone boost sex drive?

Testosterone is crucial in a man’s health, including fueling sex drive and overall sexual activity. Testosterone levels tend to decrease as you age. When the levels fall, men can experience a decrease in sexual drive and erectile dysfunction. Moreover, they can lead to mood changes and a reduction in muscle mass. Some older men have considered testosterone replacement therapy [TRT] to boost their testosterone levels. However, before you decide to use this treatment, you need to note its possible health risks, for instance, erythrocytosis and congestive heart failure.

<h2>Pills to Boost Sex Drive</h2>

Nowadays, erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs have become readily available. Examples of ED pills available are Viagra and Cialis. They help improve blood flow to the penis and keep the blood to sustain an erection. However, before you take these pills to boost sex drive, know that they have side effects such as muscle pain, stomach upset, and headaches.

<h2>How to Boost Sex Drive after Steroids</h2>

Regarding how to boost sex drive after steroids, steroids have the ability to make individuals feel extra confident sexually and enhance their sex drive. They can come in the form of pills or a liquid that is injected. Some of their side effects are high blood pressure and acne. They can also reduce sex drive. If you’ve stopped using them and you feel your sex drive has reduced, seek medical advice. You can have your testosterone hormone levels tested and then be advised on the ideal action to take.


Having a low libido can dent your confidence. Low self-esteem when it comes to sex can lead to problems such as performance anxiety and premature ejaculation. The above information on how to boost sex stamina will assist you.

What else can you recommend to boost sex drive?

Author’s bio:  

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.


Do You Have An Average Sized Penis?

Penis size is really a big issue, this is because not all penises are the same size. But statistically there is a normal/average penis size.

What is the average penis size?

A lot of researchers and scientists have tried on more than one occasion to try to give an answer to this big question, what is the normal size of the penis?  Here we will present you different data from several studies, with the objective of clarifying this question.

Main data on average penis size

We will explain in detail the main data you should take into account to understand this topic.  Statistically 85% of women are satisfied with the size or proportion of their partner’s penis. Although men feel less confident.Even 45% of men think they have a relatively small penis.In the vast majority of studies, the length of the penis when flaccid is between 2.8 and 3.9 inches.The length when the penis is erect, varies between 12 and 16 centimeters (4.7 to 6.3 inches).

What is the size of a “normal” or average penis?

Measuring the length of the penis is really simple, with a basic rule you have to press on the groin and it is measured from the base of the penis to the tip.  A study conducted by Journal of Urology researchers concluded that a group of 80 men had the following –

The average penis size was 3.5 inches (8.89 cm) when flaccid.With an erect penis the result was 12.9 centimeters (5.08 inches).

In addition to determining an average length of the erect and flaccid penis, the study also concluded that the size of the erect penis does not correlate with the size of the flaccid penis.  This means that when men have a below-average flaccid penis, they may have a size very close to average when they have an erect penis.  In other research that was published in 2014, more than 1600 American men were examined. Thanks to this research, an agreement was reached that the exact dimensions of an erect penis can be altered by the form of arousal.

What size is a small penis?

The threshold could be a clear and even better indicator of a small penis. The threshold is used by doctors to achieve penis enlargement.  Based on the same (and more reliable) research that was published in the Journal of Urology, where they studied 80 men with relatively “normal” penis size.   After they found the averages, they also came to the following conclusion:

Men who have a flaccid penis with a length of less than approximately 4 centimeters (1.57 inches) or an erect penis less than 7.5 centimeters (2.95 inches) are candidates for penis enlargement, because they are considered small penises.

Penis size: a problem for some

Men really do care, or in other words, they are more insecure because they think they have a small penis, and that they will not be able to give enough pleasure to their partner.  It should be noted that, looking at the penis from above, it can be noticed much smaller than looking at it from the front or from the side.  Looking at your own penis from this same perspective, and then making a comparison with others from a different perspective, could really cause confusion and even safety issues. So if you plan to compare it, it is important that it is from the same perspective.  Thanks to a study published in the British Journal of Urology International, it was determined that 45% believe they have a small penis. However, the researchers reported that having a small penis is neither common nor usual.

Women and Penis Size

Men’s main concern is whether their penis size is capable of giving their partner great sexual satisfaction. However, the lack of emphasis by women on penis length was surprising and sexual satisfaction overwhelmingly pointed to penis width.  One study in which about 170 women participated, gave their answers to various questions. In this study it was found that they did not place as much importance on the size of the penis.  As we know, the main problem for men is focused on the length of the penis, but women are more interested in the width.

Another study involving 50 sexually active college girls found that 9 out of 10 women prefer a much wider penis to a longer one.

Average penis size by different countries

Thanks to 16 studies conducted in different countries, an average size of the penis globally was achieved.  The length of the penis in its flaccid state is between 7 and 10 cm and its circumference between 9 and 10 cm.The length in the erect state is between 12 and 16 cm. And its circumference was about 12 centimeters.

In 2018 the average sizes penis was listed as being –

An average penis size of 8.8 cm (3.5 inches) when flaccid. An average penis size of 12.9 cm (5.1 inches) when erect.