Does Penis Size Really Matter For Sexual Stimulation?

Have you ever heard the question concerning penis size from your partner? Here you need to think carefully before you give your answer. According to the  best online dating sites, the funny thing is that the size of the penis worries men more than ladies. There might be ladies who always consider it an essential factor in sexual stimulation, but a large percentage will tell you that size doesn’t really matter. Some have them huge, but their game in bed is still weak. Nonetheless, it’s still vital that you constantly reassure your man. So, does the size matter when it comes to stimulation? Let’s find out!

Quality vs. Quantity

When it’s about sex, it’s better to have quality than quantity. A big penis doesn’t guarantee good sex. Rather, it’s how it’s used that will determine your experience. Some people don’t like deep penetration, as it feels uncomfortable and painful. It also limits the styles you can explore because you can end up hurt. Giving a blow job isn’t that easy with large size penis because you can easily choke. However, for some people the size of the penis will have to matter. If you prefer quantity/size over quality, you can always use other sexual stimulation products to help with the stimulation.

Position of the G-spot

Have you ever known where the G-spot is located? If you knew, then you wouldn’t be bothered by the size of the penis. The G-spot is never that deep into the vagina. For most women, the culmination of sexual stimulation is called orgasm. Once you have your orgasm, you get it with the G-spot. So, you can’t tell that your lack of orgasm is because the penis size is small. Maybe your man can’t locate your G-spot, and you can help him with that.

Size vs. Skill

You don’t need a big penis to satisfy your lady in bed. The problem comes when you start focusing on the size rather than the activity. Once you start focusing on the size and feeling like you can’t do it, you will fail. One hack to help you is using sexual stimulation physical signs such as touching to help awake those erotic feelings. Once you’re both high and ready, use your penis accordingly. What you have won’t matter. Instead, it’s what you do with it!

Regular Sexual Stimulation to Know What Works Best for You

No matter the size of the penis, you’ll always find a position that works best for you and your partner. If your penis is small, you can try doggy style for maximum penetration. If it’s big enough, you have an advantage with the standing position. You can choose styles that will involve your partner squeezing their thighs just in case it’s thin in size. Don’t be a disappointment to your partner when there are various positions you can use to make up for the size. Regular sexual simulations can help you discover what works best for you and your partner.


It is essential to understand that you can always enjoy sex. While to some people, the size might matter, you can always prove them wrong by bringing your “A” game. Know what works well for you and make good use of it. Excessive sexual stimulation to be avoided as it may have adverse side effects.

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